If you want to play in 3d then yes but you can also play the game normally
Yes. You cannot have the 3D effect without a 3D TV even if your game supports 3D. There are many 3D TVs so it is well worth trying out some models before purchasing.
No, the game was built to test, not to save. You can leave the tv off, but the N64 on. Well, you can save the game in the remake, Star Fox 64 3D because it was more like ec
Partially. It's not completely 2d as in side on gameplay as there are 3d parts. It can also be played in both 2d and 3d if you have a 3d tv
An xbox, A game, and a controller... ---EDIT--- and a tv, and all the xbox cables
Yes, the Sony PlayStation 3 HDMI Cable, product number 98349, is capable of carrying 3D content, provided you have a 3D-capable television.
If you have passive 3D TV then yes you can watch Avatar 3D with its passive 3D glasses.
Of course you can. If the game is 3D compatible and your TV is 3D compatible, then you can watch and play 3D stuff.
Yes, but you don't have to for movies.
2d games are just that, 2D. If you use a 3D effect then it should come out in 3D, yet the game-play play itself will stay 2D, but popped out.
Yes. You cannot have the 3D effect without a 3D TV even if your game supports 3D. There are many 3D TVs so it is well worth trying out some models before purchasing.
Yes, I have the game and play it on a standard HD TV
Yes, but they will probably supply 3D glasses with it, so you can look cool while watching it!
yes you can play the xbox 360 on a 3D tv
no you do not have to use the 3D in your 3D tv. its always on 2D unless you play a 3D movie and put it on 3D.
In order to be able to play a 3D DVD, you must have a television that can play 3D programs. You must also purchase 3D glasses in order to view the movie as 3D.
They do not require a digital converter, but with the addition of one, you can enhance your movies and game's play back with a 3d digital converter. They run around $100.
No. Why on earth would a company sell a game that you could only play on a 3d tv? Only the dumbest people ever. Also the fact that any idiot would thing that the game is only 3d needs to be checked out mentally. Retards...