I'm pretty sure that's there no ssj 5 goku because in all the series mostly goku is just a regular ssj
gogeta is ssj
Well there is no Ssj5 but in there was Vegito would be the stronger one.
It means Super Saiyajin
No Goku does not turn SSJ 10 nor do any other characters, the max is SSJ 4 which only Goku and Vegeta reach.
no only ssj 5
I'm pretty sure that's there no ssj 5 goku because in all the series mostly goku is just a regular ssj
Goku in SSJ 8 is not real, Goku has only gone as far as SSJ 4.
ssj 10 isn't real
Tyler the Great Warrior is, we all know SSJ Trunks is real, isn't he?
gogeta is ssj
NO because he as way more power cause his tail there's only ssj 1 ssj 3 ssj 4 and ssj 4 fusion
Super Saiya-jin is what the j stands for in SSJ
Ssj 1 Ssj 2(lighter yellow slightly larger hair) Ssj 3 (longer hair) Ssj 4 (red skin long black hair) LEGENDARY (ssj 1 hair but green) ------------and or------- Oozaru (moon) Golden oozaru (becomes oozaru after ssj) --------OR-------- fusion - Adds the two energies of the 2 together.
manga: gohan anime: goku manga : Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ Gotenks > SSJ3 Goku anime : SSJ Goku > Gohan if you see the filler inside buu Goku say they strong as the real one but still if go by manga SSJ Gotenks is enough for SSJ3 Goku
gogeta ssj 4
No,and,yes. SSJ 5 Goku is real in Japan,but,in America it's only fan-fic.