No Goku does not turn SSJ 10 nor do any other characters, the max is SSJ 4 which only Goku and Vegeta reach.
after dragon ball gt is either dragon ball Kai or dragon ball af. Dragon ball Kai is the new remake about dragon ball z and gt combined and changed. It will have new features and will have cool new stuff. I've read about it and hears about it. Dragon ball af is supposed to be coming out after gt because of the new enemies and new transformations and fusions including bardock ssj, raditz ssj, broly ssj 4, broly ssj 5, goku ssj 5, vegeta ss5, cell and kid buu fusion, cell and freiza fusion, kid buu and freiza fusion, gogeta ss5, goku ssj6, goku ssj7, goku ssj8, goku ssj9, goku ssj10, goku ssj11, goku ssj12, vegeta ssj6, vegeta ssj7, vegeta ssj8, vegeta ssj9, vegeta ssj10, vegeta ssj11, vegeta ssj12, and gogeta ss12. that's all i know but its supposed to happen.
after goku summon shenron
goku turns into super saiyen after freeiza full power killed krillen. goku needs to get angry to turn into super saiyen
Goku turn into kid Goku in episode 1 or Dragonball GT because Emperor Pilof accidentally wished for Goku to be a kid again.
Goku ssj10 since to fuse or use the potara need to be equal power level. Let me put it more simple....gogeta ssj4= goku ssj 4 + vegita ssj4....=goku ssj8. Goku ssj8 vs goku ssj10...well goku ssj10 wins
no but your mom did
Goku is massivly stronger than naruto. He blows up planets.
Kid Goku from dragonball is enough to beat naruto. SSJ10 doesn't exist and therefore loses.
after dragon ball gt is either dragon ball Kai or dragon ball af. Dragon ball Kai is the new remake about dragon ball z and gt combined and changed. It will have new features and will have cool new stuff. I've read about it and hears about it. Dragon ball af is supposed to be coming out after gt because of the new enemies and new transformations and fusions including bardock ssj, raditz ssj, broly ssj 4, broly ssj 5, goku ssj 5, vegeta ss5, cell and kid buu fusion, cell and freiza fusion, kid buu and freiza fusion, gogeta ss5, goku ssj6, goku ssj7, goku ssj8, goku ssj9, goku ssj10, goku ssj11, goku ssj12, vegeta ssj6, vegeta ssj7, vegeta ssj8, vegeta ssj9, vegeta ssj10, vegeta ssj11, vegeta ssj12, and gogeta ss12. that's all i know but its supposed to happen.
after goku summon shenron
goku turns into super saiyen after freeiza full power killed krillen. goku needs to get angry to turn into super saiyen
Actually goku gt is goku an old enemy turn him to a kid again but if I think goku gt would win because goku can turn only to super sayain 1,2,and 3 goku gt can turn into super sayain 1,2,3,and 4 but goku could go fusion but gogtea would be beaten by super sayain 4 gogtea
Majin Goku