I'm pretty sure that's there no ssj 5 goku because in all the series mostly goku is just a regular ssj
No Goku does not turn SSJ 10 nor do any other characters, the max is SSJ 4 which only Goku and Vegeta reach.
Gohan ssj 5 but gohan was first who unlock ssj5 Then goku unlock ssj5
Skips is goku ssj 8, who travel back in time.
after dragon ball gt is either dragon ball Kai or dragon ball af. Dragon ball Kai is the new remake about dragon ball z and gt combined and changed. It will have new features and will have cool new stuff. I've read about it and hears about it. Dragon ball af is supposed to be coming out after gt because of the new enemies and new transformations and fusions including bardock ssj, raditz ssj, broly ssj 4, broly ssj 5, goku ssj 5, vegeta ss5, cell and kid buu fusion, cell and freiza fusion, kid buu and freiza fusion, gogeta ss5, goku ssj6, goku ssj7, goku ssj8, goku ssj9, goku ssj10, goku ssj11, goku ssj12, vegeta ssj6, vegeta ssj7, vegeta ssj8, vegeta ssj9, vegeta ssj10, vegeta ssj11, vegeta ssj12, and gogeta ss12. that's all i know but its supposed to happen.
Joshua T. Endencia
Goku in SSJ 8 is not real, Goku has only gone as far as SSJ 4.
No,and,yes. SSJ 5 Goku is real in Japan,but,in America it's only fan-fic.
manga: gohan anime: goku manga : Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ Gotenks > SSJ3 Goku anime : SSJ Goku > Gohan if you see the filler inside buu Goku say they strong as the real one but still if go by manga SSJ Gotenks is enough for SSJ3 Goku
ssj 10 isn't real
easy when you are ssj goku when your transform bar is full press the left bumper when your ssj goku then you will turn into ssj2 goku.
no only ssj 5
yes goku use the dragon ball to bring raditz back to life In wich episode did goku do that then?
ssj 4 goku
No Goku does not turn SSJ 10 nor do any other characters, the max is SSJ 4 which only Goku and Vegeta reach.
No he isn't, he only goes upto SSJ 4.