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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago


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βˆ™ 4y ago
No they aren’t anymore :( sad gamer moment

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Q: Is someone going to make a real Freddy faze bear's pizza?
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Is freddy fazbear pizza a real place?

It is not a real place but there is a freddy's Pizza.

Is Freddy fazbear pizza palace a real place?

Yes, actually. If you go to google maps and search "Freddy's Pizza, you WILL find it.

Is freddy fazzbear pizza real?

Yes it is

Where is Freddy fazbear pizza locaded?

Cicero IL

Does yamimash have a job?

Yes. he works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

Who is Freddy in 5 nights with freddy?

Freddy is an animatronic that works at a public pizza store, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Someone that worked there named William Afton, He killed 5 children and put them in 5 suits to hid the body's, those were animatronic suits, the names of them were, FREDDY, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Golden Freddy/Fredbear, the souls posses the suits and search for William Afton so they can kill him and get revenge, but they were forced stay still and be the animatronics being on staged, at night, there was a night guard, the animatronics saw him as a bare endoskeleton and tried to get in to put him in a suit so he isn't a bare endo, The night guard can shut the doors with a press of a button to prevent them. I will post more on "Who is Toy Freddy in 5 nights with Freddy 2"

Is freddys pizza place real?

Yes, actually. If you go to Google maps and search "Freddy's Pizza, you WILL find it.

Is freddy fazbear pizza place real?

no,it is not a real Pizza place freddy fazbears pizzaria is a made up pizza place with 6 animtronics you can not see 2 in the first game that much but as i was saying about the pizza place scott the creator of the game five nights at freddys is a wonderful game maker who came up with five nights at freddys which was placed at freddy frazbears pizzaria so the place is just part of a game im sorry to say but freddy frazbears pizzaria is not a real place

What is the real Freddy fazbears Pizza phone number?


What is Freddy's fazbear pizza number?

It's not a real place of business. It's just a game!

What is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza's number?

It's not a real place of business. It's just a game!

What is a pizza deliverer?

Pizza Delivery is the delivery of pizza to your door by an employee.