well you can call prank patrol on this number :07546821789call barney:01995648792 thanks
Knock a door run
it doesn't excits it was a prank
The Divas
That depends on what the group is about. If the group is a fighting clan, you may want to choose an aggressive name. If it involves trading or hats, give it a name that implies money or fashion. You can ask players on the forums for ideas specific to your group.
a good website to go on 4 prank calling is prankdial.com hope you have fun
Not hardly! Perhaps FAKING breaking a hand might be a decent prank but any prank that results in actual physical harm is assault, not a prank.
Any prank is a good prank if it makes the victom really pissed(: put spiderz on adultz. yo, its funny dawg.
The good old bucket of water on the top of a door prank. :)
What kind of prank do you want? A crash prank (like a Blue Screen of Death prank)? A virus prank? Just search on Google when you think of a prank you would like to play on. Sorry, didn't helped much, but, the most I can say, good luck and enjoy.
make one
Fake snow
a really great prank call website is prankdial.com its an awesome site but you only get 3 free prank calls everyday.
no because then he or she will tell evryone
This isn't a good prank...if you tried fighting with ME as a prank I'd tell you to get out and never come back.
A fart machine in there desk