NO it is not. The only PS3 80 GB model that was backward compatible was CECHE. It was the last PS3 model that was backward compatible. Even the PS3 40 GB models CECHG and CHECHH were not backward compatible. The related link for Playstation support provides details on the different models
yes No you can not turn a PS3 into a Backwards Compatible PS2 game player. That's why the demand for older Backwards Compatible PS3 models with the 4 USB ports has increased the resale value. If you could make a Backwards Compatible PS3 Slim 250 GB why would someone pay as much for an old PS3 with an unknown history that might have been repaired many times.
First Generation models ie. those that were released first were fully backwards compatible and played PS2 and PS1 games as well as PS3 games. The second generation of the PS3 also which also had 4 USB ports were also Backwards compatible with many of the PS2 games. All other PS3 models lack the backwards compatible feature and are not considered to be Backwards compatible. see related link.
no Ps1 games are compatible with any ps3's and definatly not with the slim sorry
it is not compatible but since ps3 is out get ps3 (;
only if you have the ps3 version got be backwards compatible
The ridge runner game is not compatible with the PS3
The dreamGEAR Shadow 6 is compatible with all PS3 units, including the new PS3 slim.
No.Naruto Uzumaki Ninden is not compatible with the American PS3 due to region restrictions.
NO it is not. The only PS3 80 GB model that was backward compatible was CECHE. It was the last PS3 model that was backward compatible. Even the PS3 40 GB models CECHG and CHECHH were not backward compatible. The related link for Playstation support provides details on the different models
Yes , the PS3 GH 5 Guitar is compatible with Rock Band 2 for PS3.
There is a Resident evil 5 Gold Edition for the PS3 and also one for the Xbox 360 only the PS3 version is compatible for the PS3
No. one of the kids in my class have a ps3 and their ps3 dose not play ps2 or ps1 gamesYes the 4 USB port PS3 are backward compatible and all PS3 plays select PS1 titles
Yes it should be. Dualshock works on the PS3.