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Q: Is pit from super smash brothers brawl a boy or a girl?
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Is pitt a boy or a girl Super Smash Bros. brawl?


Is Marth a boy or a girl in Super Smash Bros brawl?


Is lucas a boy or a girl in Super Smash Bros. brawl?

Lucas is a boy...

Who is the best brawler in Super Smash Bros brawl?

Coming from a girl, definitely Kirby. Coming from a boy, Meta Knight.

Is sheik from super smash bros brawl a boy or a girl?

Girl, its simply Princess zelda using a magic illusion (Play Legend of zelda ocarina of time to understand)

What are the genders of Pokemon belonging to the Pokemon trainer in super smash brothers brawl?

That's actually a good question, I believe Ivysaur is definetely a boy, Squirtle is a boy as well but Charizard im not a 100% sure because it can be a boy but when you win a brawl sometimes charizard sounds kinda like a girl but im guessing its a boy.

What does Kirby say in super smash brothers brawl?

He says "mina, ni tetigre" wich means "everybody look at me!"AND MARTH IS A GUY for all of the people who think he is a GIRL!

What are the names of the Ice climbers in super smash brothers?

The pink one is a girl called nana. the blue one is a boy called popo.

Is Roy a boy or a girl in Super Smash Bros.?

A dude.

In super smash brawlers melee is roy a girl or a boy?

He is male.

How to get jiggly puff in Super Smash Flash?

Cause of it being a girl version of Kirby but pokeman version. :D

How do you get Mega Man on super smash bro brawl?

Sorry to say, there is no Megaman on SSBB. BTW Wanna win big? pick the tier 1 character, META KNIGHT! Personally, i ilke lucario(whos tier 10 by the way)I own with him. ARE GIRLS GOOD AT VGs? I THINK I AM and im a GIRL o3o HEAR THAT BOYS?