Master Chief is a male.
it is a rank in the spartan army and John (master chief) is not only the last spartan but he is also the only master chief
master chief is totaly NOT A GIRL.OfcnStupid person
Master Chief is a Master Chief in the UNSC (A fictional branch of the military) and is the highest enlisted rank attainable.
Master Chief's ID number is 117.
The forerunner planet is what Master Chief drifts forward to in the legendary ending of halo 3.
He lands on the Forerunner planet (Halo Legends)
In a forerunner planet called Requiem.
Halo 4, master chief lands on a forerunner planet. which awakens a new breed of enemy derived from the forerunners called, "Promethean"
Yes, In Halo 4. It will take place almost 5 years after the events of Halo 3 and he will land on a Forerunner planet.
Yes, there is an entire platoon of them still alive, but they are all trapped on a Forerunner shield world.
Master Chief in half of the frigate on Halo 3 legendary ending appears over a forerunner planet but i don't remember the name that someone said on a youtube video, but there is a strong possibility that there will be a Halo four or some other name ( SO if any of you bungie people are seeing THIS plz advise your colleges and / or others to make a Halo to continue the series because many people would LIKE I just wanted to complete your statement by adding a few things like: the Forerunner Planet that you don't know the name of is called Onyx. It is a very interesting planet with extraordinary Forerunner and Human history. There is just one problem with the Master Chief landing on the Forerunner planet Onyx: the planet is full of sentinels and Forerunner AI's surrounding the planet that would have seen Master Chief's broken ship and intercepted it. And that game "Halo 4" that you said might happen is definitely not going to be made by Bungie but, according to many rumors, a sequel to Halo 3 is going to be made by 343 Industries. On a "personal" note, I, and this is just an opinion here, think that on the end of Halo: Reach, Noble 6 will somehow survive the glassing of the planet but was left stranded there for many years, until after many years of waiting, in 2552, Master Chief's broken ship crashes on Reach and he meets Noble 6 and somehow got out of there. Remember that Master Chief landing in Reach is just a theory. " Noble 6 will somehow survive the glassing of the planet ". He dies after an epic fight.
Master Chief is a male.
Arbiter joins master chief in halo 3 to fight the flood
master chief
Master Chief.
master chief !!