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Video game piracy is not legal

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Q: Is it illegal to burn ps2 games to CD?
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Can you format iso file to ps2 games?

No! You must burn it into CD then put the CD into your PS2.

How do you use a PS2 controler on video game tycoon?

You burn the CD then put it in a ps2

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Which CD used to copy PS2 games?

PS2 games are on DVD and are not legal to copy

Can you play PC CD-rom software games on the ps2?

No you can not, the PS2 does not play computer games

Is it illegal to rent a CD from a library put it on itunes then burn a CD?

It is not illegal to borrow a CD from the library and listen to it.It is a copyright violation to make a copy of the music by ripping it to iTunes. It is also illegal to burn the music files to another CD.

What can you do with a ps2?

Play games, movies, and CD's

What type of CD should you get to burn a PS3 game on it?

PS3 games are manufactured on BluRay discs. Piracy is illegal. Get a job.

How to copy PS2 game from PS2 disc to a bank CD and what type of blank CD?

PS2 games are on DVDs and software protects some of the information

What is cracking in sony ps2?

cracking a ps2 means to add a mod chip or to change the lens of the ps2 so that it enables us to use any pirated Cd's or games. Actually cracking is illegal but it's still in existence today.....

If you borrow a CD to burn it is it illegal?

The illegality of burning a borrowed CD depends on the contents. When the CD is copyrighted, it is illegal to burn it. However, burning of home videos, documents and other non-copyrighted data is allowed.

Is it illegal to burn a CD then give it to someone?

Yes, copyright is illegal,unless you have permission.