of course not but game shop employees just ask them if they are allowed to play 18+ so the parents can have a choice of yes or no
$249.99 plus tax. Plus games and extra contollers(unless you are goinna play alone).
No it is not free to download PS2 games unto a PS3. Most PS3 can not even play PS2 games but even the old 4 USB Port PS3s that can play the PS2 games can not download them for free. Even the old PS1 games that the PS3 can play are sold at the Playstation Store. Sometimes Playstation Plus customers are offered free games that expire with there Playstation Plus membership
Either play the games lots of times or play them for many hours. Also having other sonic games on your memory card will unlock some games.
i like adventure quest. you can battle and get cool Armor. plus there are games you can play wedsite on the there
the wii, saying that you can also download old/unreleased video games. Plus, if you have facebook, you can play games on that while on your wii if your wii is connected to the Internet and you have the Internet channel.
Nope. :)
Yes they are aloud to play these games but they can not go out and buy them on their own.: )
Yes, you must buy a PSPlus membership to play online games on the PS4.
Of course there are. You just have to get creative. You could play games like Catch the Human. Racing games are also possible. Plus, watch Twilight. They show you that you can play baseball.
No, some games require the Wii Motion Plus Remote to play such as The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
they go to ophras, play casino and plus they play other types of games.
$249.99 plus tax. Plus games and extra contollers(unless you are goinna play alone).
Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters, Neopets, Girls go Games and ADDICTING GAMES.
It allows you to play games that need precise movements.
It's hard to say if the PlayStation Plus is a good deal without having an ideal of how much of a benefit it would be to a person. The games that are free are either games that you would play or games that you would never play
No it is not free to download PS2 games unto a PS3. Most PS3 can not even play PS2 games but even the old 4 USB Port PS3s that can play the PS2 games can not download them for free. Even the old PS1 games that the PS3 can play are sold at the Playstation Store. Sometimes Playstation Plus customers are offered free games that expire with there Playstation Plus membership