

Best Answer

Houndoom is not considered a legendary pokemon because it is easy to get multiple houndooms. Legendaries are generally pokemon that can only be caught once in any given game (and are also difficult to catch as well as usually among the last pokemon in the pokedex for a region).

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Q: Is houndoom a legendary Pokemon
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Related questions

What type of Pokemon is Houndoom?

The Pokemon Houndour is Fire

How do you get houndoom in Pokemon Rumble Wii?

Houndoom is a Johto pokemon and none of the Johto pokemon are in the first pokemon rumble.

Is houndoom a fire Pokemon?

Houndoom is Dark- Fire

Which Pokemon is better Crobat or houndoom and why?

houndoom is way better

What route do you catch houndoom on Pokemon diamond?

Houndoom is exclusive to Pokemon Pearl so it must be traded.

Is Houndoom a basic Pokemon?

No, Houndoom evolves from Houndour at level 24.

How do you get a houndoom in Pokemon Platinum?

You can get Houndoom in Pokemon Platinum by evolving Houndour. Houndour can be found on Route 214 and Valor Lakefront! Houndour will evolve into Houndoom at level 24.

What level does houndoom evolve on pokemon black?

Houndoom can't evolve anymore.

Does Houndoom evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

No. Houndoom is the final form of Houndour. It does not evolve.

When does houndoom have an egg in Pokemon platinum?

If it is with another houndoom or ditto it shouldn't take that long.

When does Houndoom learn Flamethrower in Pokemon Platinum?

Houndoom learns Flamethrower at lvl 48.

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