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Herobrine Isn't real as such. He can be added manually to minecraft by use of the Herobrine Mod. The Minecraft update log shows that they removed Herobrine every update as a sort of inside joke that no one understands.

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Q: Is herobine bad in reallife from Minecraft?
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What does herobine do to you on Minecraft?

Herobine does not exist, unless you download a mod that puts it into your game.

How do you turn into a herobine on Minecraft?

Without the use of 3rd-party modifications for Minecraft, it is impossible to turn into Herobine.

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Is there herobine in minecraft pocket edition?

No there isn't.

Is Herobine still on minecraft xbox edition?

Herobrine has never been real and will never bereal, it is not on the Minecraft XBox Edition.

Is there herobrine in minecraft pocket edition?

I think so , I'm doing further research about heroine.notch said he toke heroine out of the game but he didn't because notch didn't create herobine a bug did in the game so that's why notch can't pull herobine out of the game.

How many things in Minecraft are in reallife?

If you havent noticed most of the things in minecraft is BASED in real life except: Creepers, skellingtons, giant spiders, zombies, nether including all the stuff in there, and thats about it.

How many military planes are in reallife?

There are more than 1 million of military planes. I don't know how many of them are in reallife but I'm sure they are in reallife.

Is Herobine real?

Course he is, He fireball people

Can I download maps for minecraft pocket edition?

No, the Herobine's Mansion Map is built for the PC/Mac version of the game and can only be used with the PC/Mac version. There is no way to play it on the Pocket Edition.

Are zombies in reallife?


Are zombies in reallife or fake?

No, zombies are not real. They're fake. If they are in reallife, just break their neck.