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just buy it. all the others have bad stuff on them.

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Q: How do you get a free minecraft premium?
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Related questions

What is a free Minecraft?

To get Minecraft for free, you need to download it on Xbox.

Can Minecraft be free?

Yes but not the premium accounts. if you got a free premium account for free it is illegal.

How do you get free premium on minecraft?

You can't

How do you get free premium Minecraft?

U cant

Do you have to have a premium account im minecraft to play it?

No you don't have to be premium on Minecraft to play it you can play the free Classic version.

Does getting a Minecraft account free?

Yes, the Minecraft account is free, just not a premium one.

How do you get minecraft 1.6.2 premium for free?

Team Extreme Minecraft Launcher is the key.

How do you know if your status is updated on minecraft?

premium = paidfree = not paidif you are talking about seeing if your premium or free, it will let you on a server if your premium but if your free it will tell you.

What does it mean when you try to join a server in minecraft user is not premium?

Premium means that you bought Minecraft, not playing it for free. Some servers require premium status to play on.

Is there a way you can get a premium minecraft account for free?

No. You can't, legally.

How do you get a Minecraft Premium account for free?

You'd have to receive it as a gift from someone.

How do you get a minecraft premium account free?

There is no LEGAL way to get a free premium Minecraft account. Please just buy it, it's worth the money it costs.