Dead rising 2 has better graphics and sound but the 1st dead rising has easier missions so really its your decision but i like dead rising 2 much better good luck deciding
Dead Rising 2 has a co op option.But not a whole diffrent co op story.Their is just 2 people.Chukc 1 and Chukc 2
There is no way of running on Dead Rising 2
No, but there will be one for Dead Rising 2.
theres no cheat codes.
Yes Dead Rising 2 will be an online multiplayer game.
Dead rising 2 & 1 is on the PS3 and the XBOX360 followed by Dead rising 3 is coming out soon
Halo Reach is the BOMB compared to Dead Rising 2.
No, only in DR2: Case West, and Dead Rising 1.
Call of duty - Black ops
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero is nothing more than a prologue to the Dead Rising 2 game. It gives the backdrop as to how the main character, Chuck Greene, ended up in the situation he is in with his daughter Katey. In all respects, Dead Rising 2 would be the better game to purchase, since Case Zero is a downloadable game on the xbox live marketplace, and not a game that can be purchased in stores.
no but Dead Rising 2 Case Zero was made as a demo for Dead Rising 2
it depends on your style dead rising is a open world game with humans to kill aswell as zombies but left for dead 2 has special zombies like jockies which make it a whole lot more fun but it's your decision in the end also dead rising is for horror likers and l4d2 is more of team work zombie killing
Dead Rising 2 has a co op option.But not a whole diffrent co op story.Their is just 2 people.Chukc 1 and Chukc 2
Dead Rising 2 will be released for PS3 in 2010.
There is no way of running on Dead Rising 2
Battlefield bad company 2
how do you get the psycho suit in dead rising 2