Yes, in all generation it is rare.
- As an uncommon Pokemon at Mt. Coronet (40% or 10%) or Sendoff Spring (10%) which you can go to after you defeat the Elite Four. (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl)
- Top if Mt. Pyre. (Ruby/Saphire/Emerald)
~ T.A.P.M. or SM.
Total Caught: 487/487 + Shiny Complete.
Chimecho is a Pokemon. If you watch Pokemon on TV, you might see James from Team Rocket. He has a Chimecho so be on the lookout.
You can encounter Chimecho at the Mt. Pyre summit. It is very rare though, with a 2% encounter rate.Use Sweet Scent to help you find it.
Chimecho is unable to evolve as of Pokemon X and Y. Chimecho does evolve from a Pokemon called Chingling when it's at max happiness and during night time.
you can't
I haven't catch these Pokemon yet: - Nosepass - Feebas - Chimecho They all rare, so of you ask what is the rarest Pokemon, I can't answer it. But if you ask what is the rare Pokemon, my answer is above
Chimecho is a Psychic type pokemon.
Shuppet Dusclops Wingull Vulpix Chimecho(rare)
Chimecho is a Pokemon. If you watch Pokemon on TV, you might see James from Team Rocket. He has a Chimecho so be on the lookout.
You can encounter Chimecho at the Mt. Pyre summit. It is very rare though, with a 2% encounter rate.Use Sweet Scent to help you find it.
chimecho is the pokemon that evolves from chingling.
AnswerNumber 358 is Chimecho i unfortunately do not know where to catch this Pokemon >_
bagon, chimecho, speal, snowrunt, ralts, and all their evovled form
You will need access to Mt. Pyre. It would also be helpful to have a Pokemon that knows sweet scent. Last, you will need a lot of patience because Chimecho is very rare.
Chimecho is unable to evolve as of Pokemon X and Y. Chimecho does evolve from a Pokemon called Chingling when it's at max happiness and during night time.