Ash's Pikachu is a male, this was confirmed in the episode that is titled "The Worst Togepi Ever" which was part of the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battle season. The episode featured a mischievous female Togepi that used Attract to take control of other Pokémon.
Pikachu is a pokemon, he can be a male or a female. If you mean Ash's pikachu so yeah he is a male.
Ash's pikachu is a male. Red (manga) and Red (game) also have male pikachus. A wild pikachu can be either, depending on the one you found.
yes you can by putting a male and female pikachu in the daycare together
you either get a male and female pikachu and put them in the day care or you get a pikachu and a ditto.
Ash's Pikachu is Male. I believe this was confirmed at some point in the anime when a female opponent uses attract on him and it works. And you can confirm it by looking at the difference of the tail of a female and male Pikachu.
you do not
A male pikachu can breed with a ditto or a female pikachu
Breed female and male pikachu or female and male raichu you can also try female pikachu and male raichu and vice-versa
Pikachu is a pokemon, he can be a male or a female. If you mean Ash's pikachu so yeah he is a male.
To breed Pikachu you need to leave a male Pikachu and a female Pikachu (or a Ditto and a Pikachu) at a daycare. If you wait a while, the female will be holding an egg.
Pikachu Natures For Male: Brave Pikachu Natures For Female: Hasty
Pikachues are both male and female.
Ash's pikachu is a male. Red (manga) and Red (game) also have male pikachus. A wild pikachu can be either, depending on the one you found.
That can work.
yes you can by putting a male and female pikachu in the daycare together
No, you cannot get a Bidoof by breeding a male Bidoof and a female Pikachu together. You would get a Pichu which is the pre-evolved form of Pikachu because the female determines what the resulting Egg is. In order for a male Bidoof to breed a Bidoof Egg, it would require the male Bidoof and a Ditto to be placed in the Daycare because Ditto can act as either the male or the female for breeding purposes.