That is against the Rules of RuneScape and I do not recommend you trade/buy/receive details to an account.
giving away/trading accounts is against runescape's rules... please do not break these rules, just make your own account...
No way! If a shuckle gets past level 50, it is the ultimate! Why would anyone give it away?!
Not that I know of. If someone gave an account away, someone else would change the password on it. You need to buy it.
Your skull will go away after spending enough time away from a PVP area.
If you shoo away your cat, it will run away and you'll need to get another from Gertrude.
No, since it is against the JaGex rules of play.
It is against the RuneScape rules to give away accounts.
giving away/trading accounts is against runescape's rules... please do not break these rules, just make your own account...
You can get a free account by registering on the official website ( Please note that trading accounts is against the rules of RuneScape, so please don't ask such questions here.
Account-trading is against the rules of RuneScape
no and please dont try to scam because it is illegal i have i fakeppa i pass is pker4life
No, you should not give away or accept accounts. It is against the game rules. You will be banned if you do so.
user: gametester Pass: shikifusion
9335 8823 7765 4109
I can get you an account but it depends what level you want it to be and add job 2oo6 he will set u up.
WikiAnswers will not provide information to break the rules of RuneScape.