rune chainmail overall, but the adamant platebody has better stab defence.
the rune is better
dont buy guthix platebody it has the same stats as a rune platebody guthix zammy and sara are a waste of money
The next level would be rune armor.
They both have there areas that they are better. But overall Rune kiteshield is better.
rune chainmail overall, but the adamant platebody has better stab defence.
The rune platebody is a very essential part of a f2p runescape player. Any runescape f2p player over level 45 combat should have don't the Dragon Slayer quest, therefore having the right to wear the Rune platebody. For that quest information and any other quest information you need, I suggest strongly to go to link below
There is no easy way to get Full Rune on Runescape, seeing as if you are new to Runescape, Full counts as Platebody not the chainbody, and to use the Platebody you will need to complete the "Dragon Slayer" Quest.---------------------However money wise, you can just mine Rune Essence until you gain the respected amount of money for it, or just kill hill giants for bones to sell.
the rune is better
Dragon plate body and chain body are both pretty expensive pieces of armor but a good idem is fighters torso i know your thinking you have to do some dumb mini-game but the torso is very good it is better than a rune platebody and is the only plantebody that gives a strength bounes other than bandos platebody which costs around 20M-26M
my hutch sim card is block and it want a PUK code please tell me how to do it thanks you call the company, they ask you questions and you have to answer them all right according to what you said when you bought the phone or they wont give you the puk code
onehundred and seven k or 107k
It's a tier 5 platebody in RuneScape, with bonuses similiar to a Rune platebody. It is only available while Dungeoneering.
Third age / Torva (members) or Rune platebody (free-play).
Iron chain mail provides better protection against slashing attacks due to its flexibility and ability to cover more of the body compared to a bronze platebody. However, the bronze platebody offers superior defense against crushing and piercing attacks due to its solid structure. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the type of combat you anticipate facing.
dont buy guthix platebody it has the same stats as a rune platebody guthix zammy and sara are a waste of money
with an addy chainbody, rune axe and a shovel