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Zekrom (the black dragon) is found in Pokemon White.

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Q: Is Zectron in Pokemon black or Pokemon White?
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Which Pokemon game has black city in it?

Pokemon Black has Black city. Pokemon White has White forest

Is dewott in Pokemon Black or white?

Yes, the Pokemon Dewott is in Pokemon Black and White.

Who are the mascots of Pokemon Black and White?

Zekrom (Pokemon White) and Reshiram (Pokemon Black).

Is Zekrom on Pokemon black or Pokemon White version?

Pokemon white reshiram is on black

Can you get both lengdary Pokemon in Pokemon Black and White?

no. you can get the white one in black and the black one in white.

Is there any Pokemon after black and white?

There are no pokemon after pokemon blACK and white but there will be more pokemon games in the future.

Where do you get thunderous in Pokemon black?

It can not be in Pokemon black but you can get it in Pokemon white.

Will there be another Pokemon season after Pokemon Black and White?

after pokemon black and white there is two more that i know of and white emerging towers and white red seires

How many games did Pokemon Black and White 2 sell?

4 because the sell pokemon white and pokemon black and know they sell pokemon white 2 and pokemon black 2

Where do you find Ghetisis in Pokemon Black and White?

Gheisis is in the Black City if Pokemon black, or White forest in Pokemon white. In Black he is dressed normally, without the robe or the staff.

Does Pokemon black and white 2 have the starter Pokemon as Pokemon black and white the first one?


Where is eeve in Pokemon Black and White?

Unfortunatly, you cannot get Eevee in Pokemon Black or White. :(