

Best Answer

I think, The Sims 3 is so wonderful! i am only 9 years old, and i enjoy it so much.

I have created a family which first started of as me as an adult.

Then i married a girl called Jamie Jollina.

Then she became Jamie Poulton.

Then i got a job in the medical carrer.

Then i had my first child.

then my second.

then my third.

and my wife is pregnent right now!

eventually...... I COMPLETED THE MEDICAL CAREER AND BECAME A WORLDS REKNOWN SURGION! my career was 10/10 complete!

I love the sims 3 and i highly recomend it!

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When will the sims 3 come out for Wii?

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omg all of them ecspecialy any of the sims 3 games and sims 2 mansion and garden stuff but you need sims 3, or sims 2 double deluxe before you can get a sims 2 or 3 game :D

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Yeah it's a really good game!

Is sims 3 Good and No Lag on any PC?

Sims 3 is a brilliant game, however, is HUGE in size and will probably lag up your computer.

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Sims 4 or 3. The sims 2 is a really old one and its graphics and other stuff isnt really good!

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The last 'The Sims' game that was released was The Sims 3 Generations. The Secret Helper.

Is Sims 3 the game for Wii?

no sims 3 for computer

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No, Sims 3 is a video game.

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