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The shortbow is the WAY TO GO. It shoots a lot faster. Any and all ways of training range are slower. Trust me, I'm 99 range on my Nateparty123 account. Shortbow = best but the dark bow is better for pking.

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Q: In runescape is the mage shortbow or dark better better to train range faster with?
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Is a magic composite bow or a magic shortbow better in runescape?

The magic shortbow was, and is, better than the magic composite bow.Especially now that longbows have become shieldbows and composite bows didn't retain their half and half status of being between the long/short for speed/range.

In runescape is dark bow or magic shortbow better to train range faster with and what type of arrows should I use?

The better bow to train range with within Runescape is most likely the magic shortbow, this is because of the one disadvantage the dark bow has while training range, the dark bow is so slow between hits that if you are ranging in a single combat area, another player can steal your monster between hits, therefore the magic shortbow is a much more pratical bow to use but if u use a dark bow u can make money easy as well as training, because of the spec that the dark bow has. so it all up to u realy on what u like better. hope i have helped. (you could use a magic shortbow to shoot with speed, then use the dark bow spec which its ready, then go back to the magic shortbow and repeat etc)

I've been wondering what's better a maple shortbow or crossbow for a range level 41 by the way im combat level 27 im a range pure Im talking about runescape by the way im a f2p soooo?

f2p crossbows are rubbish, you should stick with a maple short

In runescape which bow will get range up faster and more efficiently Dark bow or Magic shortbow?

Mage short because it is faster but buy the dark bow for the d arrow spec. Or even if you have 64 range+ i hit a 29-21 with the spec when i was 64 range now im happily 68. but i dont train it. gooooooooo get ur self a d bow and mage short plus d bows are goin up so its good to merchant!

How do you get to use iorn arrows in runescape?

To use arrows, you need the arrows, and a bow. There is longbow or shortbow - also, there are several varieties of each. Start with a standard shortbow (shoots faster) or longbow (longer range); other bows require a certain level in ranging. Click on the bow to wield it. Click on the arrows to put them in your quiver (they, too, will appear in worn equipment). Then, just click on any monster to start shooting at it. About 1/5 of your arrows will be lost; the remaining arrows, you can pick up and use again.

Which is better oak long bow or short bow?

An oak longbow has a further range distance and a higher ranged bonus allowing for higher hits and more safespots, an oak shortbow hits faster allowing for much faster training. Shortbows are usually recommended due to their faster speed and only having slightly less power than a longbow, except in some circumstances where longer range is needed for safe-spotting than a longbow is recommended.

What is better range magic or combat on runescape?

obviously combat, because of strength!

Is a magic bow pretty good in Runescape?

The magic shortbow has +69 range bonus and a special attack called snapshot. The magic longbow has the same range bonus and a special attack called powershot. A magic comp bow has +71 range bonus. So it's pretty good. P.S. The special attacks are members' only, and the magic comp bow is member only.

What runescape clothes give better range?

For Best Range Bonus:- Non Members -- Green Dragonhide- Members -- Black Dragonhide- Karils- Third Age Range

In runescape is a magic short bow or a rune crossbow better to train range fater with?

A Rune Crossbow is better to train Range with than Magic Short, Long or composite bow.

How do you get range up from level 45 to 99?

In Runescape, I assume. By shooting a lot of arrows. You can also use a cannon, which is faster, but more expensive.

Runescape What is the best non member range and melee armor like viod whit those helmets?

for non member you should do a maple shortbow, adamant arrows, green dragonhide armour and some boots, amulet of power and the helm i dont know ( Dont do rune or any other melee helm )