Yes you can have more then 1 silverlight in the nights room drop silverlight and give him 500gp to get silverlight back then pick-up the one you dropped then you have more then one silverlight.
My username is Danielded
and i got 11 silverlights from doing this
You have to do the demon slayer quest and near the end a person gives it to you to defeat the demon with it for silverlight. to get the blurite sword you have to do the knights sword. And you have to defeat the demon with the silverlight...
only against demons
yes, if you make another account
According to the official Runescape FAQ It is not possible to pay for more than one month of membership at a time. (actually you can get 30day and 90day, maybe 60day too I'm not sure Well, runescape just released the one year membership cards again! You can buy them at rite-aid.
They have the same bonuses in combat terms, people mainly buy saradomin as as cosmetic item more than anything else.
You have to do the demon slayer quest and near the end a person gives it to you to defeat the demon with it for silverlight. to get the blurite sword you have to do the knights sword. And you have to defeat the demon with the silverlight...
There are more than 500 FAQ about Runescape on WikiAnswers.
only against demons
A lot more people play World of Warcraft than Runescape. It is a more populated website.
Microsoft Silverlight is a framework for creating web pages with better support for multimedia, animation and interactivity than what is common on the internet today. It can be considered a more modern version of Adobe's Flash.Other frameworks with similar functionality are Adobe AIR and JavaFX.See related Wikipedia-link.Microsoft Silverlight is a free web-browser plug-in. It is a tool for creating and delivering Internet applications and media experiences.
Microsoft Silverlight is a framework for creating web pages with better support for multimedia, animation and interactivity than what is common on the internet today. It can be considered a more modern version of Adobe's Flash.Other frameworks with similar functionality are Adobe AIR and JavaFX.See related Wikipedia-link.Microsoft Silverlight is a free web-browser plug-in. It is a tool for creating and delivering Internet applications and media experiences.
many people like Club Penguin better than Runescape and no people like Runescape more than Club Penguin.
Yes it is possible, but only if you store your current one in the Menagerie of your player owned house. Then repeat the process on how you got the 1st one, to get another one.
Simple, get more exp than him/her/it in skills.
Ya you can get over 1 bill
Yes it is beter because Jages was 1st who relise that type of game.. And RuneScape has much more cooler quests and it is much more intresting then this one.. Also runescape have Fullscreen mode.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- first of all runescape is the original and is better because of the graphics and it's got more options of what do drawing u in longer than frugooscape
Runescape is much better than Club Penguin, there's a lot more to do.