Original Answer The magic short bow is better. Dark bows take a long time to get xp with, but hit higher. Improved Answer by IR o IF L The MSB (Magic Short Bow) is one of the best, if not the best, range training devices. It deals an accurate blow, and usually does a good amount of damage with iron+ arrows. The speed of this bow, compined with the accuracy, makes it the best training device for range [other than Chinchompas] in RuneScape. The DB (Dark Bow) is actually one of the slower range training weapons. It may deceive you by its high hits, but the fact that it just doesn't hit those high hits often enough ruins it. It attacks a little bit slower than a longbow, although it shoots two arrows. Very costly, which is also a downside. DB shoots 2 arrows - MSB shoots 1 On average, you will shoot 2.2 arrows from the MSB every 2 arrows you shoot from the DB, just because of the sheer speed of the MSB
A Rune Crossbow is better to train Range with than Magic Short, Long or composite bow.
The magic shortbow was, and is, better than the magic composite bow.Especially now that longbows have become shieldbows and composite bows didn't retain their half and half status of being between the long/short for speed/range.
The Rune cross bow is mainly good for dragons ..as for magic short bow would be used for other purposes .. but i would prefer the rune cb
i believe you max with 12 w/out pray or potions ya its 12 w/ out that stuff but, then its 13 with prayer, 15 with pot, and 16 with magic short
The best bow for non members on runescape i think is the maple short bow it is short so it is really fast and its a maple so it is strong as well
A Rune Crossbow is better to train Range with than Magic Short, Long or composite bow.
The magic shortbow was, and is, better than the magic composite bow.Especially now that longbows have become shieldbows and composite bows didn't retain their half and half status of being between the long/short for speed/range.
Wizard Mind Bombs I believe is used in the quest "DragonSlayer". Correct me if I'm wrong. It boosts your Magic level for a short period of time.
The Rune cross bow is mainly good for dragons ..as for magic short bow would be used for other purposes .. but i would prefer the rune cb
RS or Rscape
Yes, the A in magic has a short a sound, as in tragic.
Both vowels in the word magic are short vowels.
The word "magic" is pronounced with a short 'a' sound, like in the word 'cat'.
Both vowels in the word magic are short vowels.
Yes, the word "magic" has a short 'a' sound, pronounced as /ˈmædʒɪk/.
short for world 23.
W/e is short for what ever.