The answer to your question is quite simple, although not too obvious if you are a fan of only the anime.
Yes, Kojiro (James) does care for Musashi (Jessie). Not only is this shown in very small doses during the anime, but towards the end of the manga, we come to find out that Jessie and James end up quitting Team Rocket, marrying, and starting a life of their own. This also includes Jessie's pregnancy which is not elaborated on, but clearly shown.
Hope this helps :]
Opinion questions can go anyway. Yellow is considered the best because it combines both red and blue with new additions like the anime rocket members Jesse and James. The game also has you being with Pikachu and rival gets Eevee instead of Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle. You are able to get all three starter pokemon in yellow, and in the special pikachu edition pikachu will follow you and you can talk to it. So in general Yellow is better but if you like more originality then then other games are your choice.
Space Shuttle
Episode 37
The Team Rocket guy leaves for Johto after you defeated him at the Golden Bridge. He goes back to the Team Rocket Hideout at Mahogany Town. (He leaves because he found out that Team Rocket has abandoned three years ago 8-) In soul silver team rocket comes back and no that's not right he goes to the Unova region he can be found in black and white but now he has a wife and a son. I know because i beat white like 2 times and i always see him in his house all like i used to be team rocket member but team rocket go bye bye.
It Because. The Member Of Team Rocket Are Evil. They Use The Pokemon for evil stuff and they somethings do things like try to do some evil stuff.
Just Like Jesse James was created in 1989-10.
go to yahoo and punch in pictures of Jesse James
Add to it Cher's 'Just like Jessie James'.
James Cleveland Owens. The Jesse apparently came about as a mishearing of JCJames Cleveland Owens.
Just Like Jesse James
When he went to college. He was nicknamed Jesse because his first initials "J-C" sounds like Jesse.
No it does not but in Pokemon heartgold and soul silver team rocket appears like 7 times [ but there is no Jessie or James
5 mile of bad road
not Jesse James For Sure He Is Just A Look A Like!!
He is called Jesse Owens because his elementary teacher misinterpreted his name when he told her his name was "J.C" (Initials for James Cleveland) for his heavy Alabama accent made it sound like "Jesse". From then on, he was known as Jesse Owens.
His initials were JCO. So when he went to Ohio, his teacher asked hi name and he said "JC". So, with his southern accent, it sounded like Jesse.
Jesse Woodson James died in 1882. They exhumed his body a few years ago. It was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt it was him. A missing fingertip, wounds(civil war) and DNA. Jesse James was exumed in 1995 but the findings were found to be incomplete due to the condition of the remains they were to badly decomposed and could not be proven to be James himself. I would like to add that some of his relatives are alive today. He faked his own death and had a family. My family on my dads side, are related to him.