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In the grass to the left of Cerulean city and to the right of Pewter city.

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Q: In Pokemon yellow where can you catch a sandshrew other than mt moon?
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Where do you catch sandshrew in Pokemon FireRed?

impossible unless if you trade it form Pokemon leafgreen or other related Pokemon games (except DS Pokemon games) . in other words it is a Pokemon version exclusive Pokemon like growlithe (firered) and vulpix (leafgreen)

Where do you catch ho-oh on pokemon yellow?

You can't find Ho-oh on Pokemon Yellow or any other version that is based in Johto but I think you can get it in a trade.

How do you catch in Pokemon yellow or any other Pokemon and there is really a mewthree?

You don't really say which Pokemon you want to catch. Put which one on the message board, and I'll do my best to help. And, Nope. Wish there was.

What happens when you catch all Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow?

Prof. Oak says new dialogue. That's it. No national dex, as no other Pokemon have been invented.

In Pokemon yellow how do you get past the first gym with your pikachu against rock types?

Catch other Pokemon and have them battle, doofus. yhe best thing to do is catch a caterpie and evolve it to a butterfree at level 10 it will know confusion

What level sandslash evolve on Pokemon ruby?

Sandslash doesn't evolve. Sandshrew, on the other hand, evolves to Sandslash at level 22.

Can you get to other regions in Pokemon emerald version?

no but if you catch all the hoenn pokemon you can catch jotho and kanto pokemon

Can you catch other people's Pokemon in leaf green?

Never in any game of Pokemon can you catch every Pokemon on one version of the game you must use the other versions to get the rest. Unless you cheat but don't its not worth it.

How do you catch other peoples Pokemon on diamond and pearl?

You can use a Action Reply codes to catch other trainers pokemon.

How do you catch other trainers Pokemon on pk indigo?

You can't catch other Trainer's Pokemon. It is not an intentional feature in the website.

Pokemon Crystal catch other tariners Pokemon?

you cannot catch a Pokemon that is already owned by another trainer. you can only catch wild ones.

How do you catch other trainers Pokemon on Pokemon pearl?

You are not allowed to catch other trainer's pokemons on any of the Pokemon games. You may only catch Pokemon from the wild or receive them through other means (events, game corner, eggs, etc.)