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block is a big rock in the water blocking the way so you cant do anything about it

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14y ago
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14y ago

I think you mean block's in the Safari Zone correct? Well they arrange the Safari Zone into different areas so that in each block their are different Pokemon to catch.

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Q: In Pokemon soulsilver what are blocks?
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How do you place blocks in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver?

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Safari Zone after unlocking the usage of the blocks.

What are blocks in soul silver?

how do I know? I have : Pokemon blue,silver,leafgreen, and emerald. I don't have "soulsilver".

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In the Safari Zone, with the right blocks in place you have to wait around 100 days.

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In Pokémon SoulSilver, you can catch Skorupi in the wasteland area of the Safari Zone after you have placed 28 Rocky Blocks in the area. You only gain access to the blocks after getting the National Dex.

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You don't, but if you go to the Pokeathlon dome and talk to the person who sells energy juice stuff, you'll get the Apricorn blender.

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You must use more of the blocks to get more. From Pokemon Master (I call myself that because I beat all of soul silver in one day)

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Peak Area (default). Meadow Area: 4 Peak Blocks

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safari zone, after obtaining the national dex. 10 waterside blocks in the swamp area.

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go to the safari zone on Pokemon heart gold and use certain blocks.If you don't know what blocks to use go to serebii net

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no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black

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