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go to dewford and go allthe the way up to the water at the top of the town and then go west until you can't go any further then surf west. keep going until you see a cave(if there are any obsacles go around them and keep Surfing west). that cave is where REGICE is.

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Q: In Pokemon sapphire where is regice?
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Where can you find regice in Pokemon Diamond?

The only way to get Regice on pokemon diamond is to transfer them from Ruby, Emerald, or Sapphire.

What legendary Pokemon can you get on Pokemon sapphire?

Kyogre, Regice, Registeel, and Regirock.

What are the special Pokemon on Pokemon Sapphire?

Regice,Regirock,Registeel,and Kyogre

Where do get regice on Pokemon Diamond?

migrate it from ruby/sapphire.

Where are regice regirock and registeel in Pokemon sapphire?

how do i get regirock

Where is regice in Pokemon Pearl?

there is not regice in pearl. but if you have ruby, emerald, or sapphire you could trade regice,regirock, and registeel to get rigigious.

What are the legendaries you can get in Pokemon sapphire?

there are a few legendary Pokemon in sapphire; the Pokemon are Kyogre, Rayquaza, Latios, Regirock,Registeel, Regice, and Deoxys

How do you get regice registeel or regirock in Pokemon sapphire?

i don't think you can

How do you get regice on Pokemon SoulSilver?

Transfer from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.

How do you get RegirockRegisteeland Regice in Pokemon Diamond?

Migrate from Ruby Sapphire or Emerald.

How do you regenerate regice on Pokemon sapphire if you ran away?

you restart the game.

Where do you find regigas in Pokemon sapphire?

Regigigas is not avalible in Pokemon ruby, sapphire or emerald. Only regirock, registeel, regice are avalible