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You'll need to migrate it to the Pal Park from Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, or Emerald.
you can not you must trade or migrate

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Q: How do you get regice on diamond?
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Where is regice in Pokemon Diamond?

Regice is not obtainable in Pokémon Diamond.Regice isn't in diamond.

Where can you find regice in Pokemon Diamond?

The only way to get Regice on pokemon diamond is to transfer them from Ruby, Emerald, or Sapphire.

Where do you get regice in Pokemon Diamond?

you cant get it on diamond or pearl!

Is there a action replay code to get regice eggs in Pokemon diamond?

No, you can't get a regice egg on the action replay.

Where do get regice on Pokemon Diamond?

migrate it from ruby/sapphire.

What level does regice learn zap cannon in Pokemon diamond?

Regice learns Zap Cannon at level 65.

Do you find regice in mount coronet where you get the nevermeltice?

no... u can only get Regice in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. Not Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.

How do you catch Regice in Heart Gold?

the only way you can get regice in heart gold is by trading from Pokemon platinum,diamond and pearl

How do you find Regice on Pokemon Diamond?

you cant, you have to get it in GBA game and transfer it to palpark in diamond or pearl.

How do you get regice fossil in Pokemon diamond?

look for a difrent pokemon

How do you get RegirockRegistelland Regice in Pokemon diamond?

Trade to emerald and migrate them

Can you get regirock registeel regice wthout trading or migrating in diamond?
