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You get RAYQUAZA at the top of SKY PILLAR after seeing GROUDON, KYORGE and RAYQUAZA in SOOTOPILIS CITY. RAYQUAZA is LV.70 so be prepared! RAYQUAZA knows these techniques: EXTREMESPEED REST FLY DRAGON CLAW. The ratio of it being shiny is 25%. The only difference between SHINY & NON-SHINY is that the SHINY one is BLACK, not the regular GREEN. The best ball to use on RAYQUAZA is either an ULTRA-BALL (Or if you are lazy and not bothered a MASTER-BALL!)
complete pokedex and catch the rest of the legendairies witch are regirock regice registeel ho-oh and lugia
In Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire, the moves Rayquaza will know upon your capture of it are Rest, ExtremeSpeed, Fly and in Pokémon Emerald, Rayquaza will know moves such as Fly, Rest, Outrage and ExtremeSpeed and in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver it will know moves such as Outrage and Rest.
Red's Pokemon levels are his level 88 Pikachu, and the rest of his Pokemon are at level 84.
i think vaporeon, poliwrath, i not sure about the rest
you mean rest all I know is snorlax rayquaza groudon and kyogre
There are 25 floors in the sky tower. After that, there is a spot to rest, and then 9 more floors until you reach Rayquaza.?æ
You get RAYQUAZA at the top of SKY PILLAR after seeing GROUDON, KYORGE and RAYQUAZA in SOOTOPILIS CITY. RAYQUAZA is LV.70 so be prepared! RAYQUAZA knows these techniques: EXTREMESPEED REST FLY DRAGON CLAW. The ratio of it being shiny is 25%. The only difference between SHINY & NON-SHINY is that the SHINY one is BLACK, not the regular GREEN. The best ball to use on RAYQUAZA is either an ULTRA-BALL (Or if you are lazy and not bothered a MASTER-BALL!)
You can find Rayquaza which is a legendary Pokemon at lvl 70. There are other Pokemon arround lvl 35 in the victory road. Rayquaza is on the last floor of the Sky Tower and is a little tricky to catch because he uses rest that fully restores his HP. But you can use moves like Hypnosis and Sleep Powder to make him fall asleep and it will be easier for you to catch Rayquaza while he is asleep.
complete pokedex and catch the rest of the legendairies witch are regirock regice registeel ho-oh and lugia
In Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire, the moves Rayquaza will know upon your capture of it are Rest, ExtremeSpeed, Fly and in Pokémon Emerald, Rayquaza will know moves such as Fly, Rest, Outrage and ExtremeSpeed and in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver it will know moves such as Outrage and Rest.
Claydol (the evolved baltoy)SableyeAltaria (the evolved swablu)Golbat (the evolved zubat)(Mainly dark Pokemon)Rayquaza (the legendary Pokemon which is level 70 and if caught will greatly help you win the league. its moves are rest, exteme speed, outrage and fly)
the only legendary Pokemon in ruby sapphire and emerald is regirock regice regsteel,rayquaza,groundon[ruby],kygore[sapphire]emerald can get rayquaza groundon and kygore and latios for ruby latias for sapphire and i don't no about emerald in emerald u can also get ho-oh and lugia
Yes, it's really hard. Rest is REALLY annoying, but there are strategies to deal with it. Bringing Shedinja is a good idea, seeing as Shedinja can net an easy catch for Sapphire's Kyogre. The Shedinja is obtained from evolving Nincada and having 5 or fewer Pokemon in the party. Before evolving it, level up Nincada to level 25 so it learns False Swipe (a VERY useful move). IF you're willing to go through that awful process of training up Shedinja to the point at which it can threaten a Lv70 Rayquaza, you should end up with this: Shedinja, holding Silk Scarf or something, knowing False Swipe, Protect, Swords Dance, and Spite. The plan is as follows: When Shedinja is out, Swords Dance a total of three times. Rayquaza can only hurt Shedinja with Fly, a two-turn move; the other moves are Rest, Outrage, and Extremespeed. If Rayquaza uses Fly: immediately use Protect. Shedinja will negate the damage-dealing turn of Fly, wasting Rayquaza's time. If it uses Rest and falls asleep, take advantage of it and use Spite for the next two turns, depleting Rayquaza's PP for Rest. Spite isn't mandatory, but why not? When all three Swords Dances are up, False Swipe will do significant damage. The best chances you will ever have to catch Rayquaza come when Rayquaza is still asleep from Rest and has been reduced to 1HP by False Swipe. Of course, Rayquaza will still break our most of the time, so around 50 Ultra Balls will be a safe number. As always, SAVE FIRST BEFORE WALKING UP TO RAYQUAZA.
to catch rayquaza you have to catch either kyogre or groudon.depending on what version game you have.(sapphire/ruby. you can catch rayquaza in either one). so anywho, then after you catch kyogre/groudon then go to the map. on route 133, there will be an island right off the route.there is a tower on that island. it is called sky pillar. at the top of the tower rayquaza sits on his lazy ass waiting to fight you. you'll need a mach bike to get to rayquaza. you need surf to get to the sky pillar. to catch rayquaza i recommend you just keep chucking lots of ultra balls at him. these are his moves : Extremespeed Rest Fly Outrage (or it could be Fire Blast I forget.)
You can only rest in two places in any Pokemon game - a Pokemon Center or at home.
The word "rest" is in the King James Version of the Bible 275 times. It is in 265 verses.