It means that that certain Pokemon had pokerus and is no longer able to get pokerus again
gengar haunter gastly
Battle them for a long time and make it happy using massages etc. If you go to the pokemons summary, if there is a small yellow smiley face next to its picture, then it means that it is really happy. (This usually happens with your starter pokemon, but I'm sure if you try hard enough, you'll manage with others!) :)
You need to have seven badges and you need to beat Cyrus and face Giratina in the Torn World. To find out how to do that, look on and go on the Pokemon platinum walkthrough.
Yes, Pokemon platinum has all of the original 3 legendaries. You will face Giratina in the distortion world when you are with Master Cyrus and you will face palkia and dialga on the Spaer Pillar on top of the Mt. Coronet when you beat the entire game. You can face Giratina again in the Turnback cave just off the spring path close to lake valor.
train at least like three of your Pokemon to level 15,16,or17 just make sure your Pokemon are a higher level or the same. :) <- (look sideways to the left a smiley face!)
You go to Eterna City and go to the building east of the Pok'emart. Talk to the old man on the first floor and he will change your pok'emon's name. :) Smiley face Happy to help.
first of all pkrs is a good thing is a good chance to power up your Pokemon. and also in 1-5 days it will go away and leave a little smiley face to know that he Pokemon had it and it won't come to that Pokemon ever againno there isn't the thing above is bot pkrs!
You face them and press A.
it means that your Pokemon has recoverd from pokerus, a pokevirus.
gengar haunter gastly
That indicates a "pokerus". It automatically doubles any effort values your Pokemon gains. Infect as many other Pokemon as you can by putting them in your party. In about two days the virus will run it's course, leaving a little smiley face.
in the galactic warehouse
A backwards smiley face is when the punctuation for a smiley face is reversed, such as ) : or ( :. It may symbolize a different emotion than a traditional smiley face.
It says pkrs. On the Pokemon summary screen, under 'status', you should see a purple block with the words 'Pkrs' on it. You should also see a face (much like an emoticon), near the Pokemon's picture. These allow for you to see if the Pokemon has PokeRus. The first time one (or more) of your Pokemon gets PokeRus and you take them to be healed in a center, the nurse there will comment on the differen condition of the Pokemon.
click on the smiley face icon or " " is a smiley face ";)" is a wink ":D" is a big smiley face etc.
You have to buy it. Then face a yellow tree and press A
It means your Pokemon has had pokerus, a very rare but beneficial disease.