Instead of flying to the nearest city, which makes it run away, walk or bike to its icon on poketch app Marker Map and look around in the nearest patch of tall grass. Mesprit often runs away, so be careful!
level up your GOLBAT with high happiness.
If you catch a magneton, you can level him up in Mt. Coronet to evolve him.
you get it when u catch 5 Pokemon at one time in the great marsh
you can catch munchlax you just have to slather honey on a tree but dont get your hopes up brecause hes very rare
There are a few places you can find a dewgong in on Pokemon Platinum version. You can find him on Victory road, route 226, and route 230. If you catch a Seel you can also get Dewgong by leveling Seel up to level 34.
level up your GOLBAT with high happiness.
go to verity lake talk to mesprit and it will disappear then professor rowan will come up and give it to you.
You fill up your pokedex then you will get national dex and all of battle island is opend and also you get to catch the other legendaires
the best way to catch mesprit is to have a Pokemon that knows block or scary face usually when u level up sudowoodo it learns block and try to get mesprit to fall a sleep jigglypuff knows sing or drowsee hypnosis or try to get mesprit paralyzed
You can't you have to level up Pineco to Lv31
you can't, you have to catch a remoraid and level it up.
you can find one on the way up to celestic town
If you catch a magneton, you can level him up in Mt. Coronet to evolve him.
you get it when u catch 5 Pokemon at one time in the great marsh
You can't catch it wild, but you can resurrect it from an armor fossil witch you can dig up in the underground.
go to the cave in the middle of the lake near twinleaf town. talk to it and professor rowan will show up. mesprit escapes and will roam around sinnoh. you should have a thing in your watch thingy to track it down. follow it and go to a place where you can catch Pokemon in the area. catch it. try not to fly there because that will raise the chance of running away
You climb to spear pillar on Mt. Coronet. Defeat Team Galactic. Catch or KO Giriantina Visit Prof. Rowan. Visit Lake Aucity for Uxie Valor for Aself. Visit Lake Vereity for Mesprit (Note: Mesprit is a roaming Pokemon)