you can catch munchlax you just have to slather honey on a tree but dont get your hopes up brecause hes very rare
You can find Leftovers in Victory Road on Pokemon Platinum. Leftovers can sometimes be held by wild Munchlax which can be found after using Honey on the golden trees you see around Sinnoh.
They will run away, and you have to find them in the wild and capture them.
I never saw a wild Stunky in Platinum, but I have in Diamond in the grass under the bicycle road.
You can't catch Cranidos in the wild or from a special event. You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
There is if you have the action replay. Use the wild Pokemon modifier code and there is an advanced Pokemon modifier code for Pokemon platinum. If you don't have the action replay then you can't. You have to choose him as starter from Prof. Rowan.
There are sweet smelling honey trees in the sinnoh region. It's only natural that munchlax is constantly searching for food, so it's obvious that they will go for the honey that you slather on trees. They are much more common in this game than they were in diamond and pearl.
you cant evolve a wild Pokemon in Pokemon platinum you either have to catch the wild Pokemon and then evolve him/her or kill the wild Pokemon.
There is no way to catch a wild Torchic in Pokemon Platinum. The only way to get one in Platinum would be to transfer from the Generation 3 games (Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald) where it is a starter Pokemon.
You can find Leftovers in Victory Road on Pokemon Platinum. Leftovers can sometimes be held by wild Munchlax which can be found after using Honey on the golden trees you see around Sinnoh.
visit full moon island and look for it in the wild
They will run away, and you have to find them in the wild and capture them.
You can't catch Ivysaur in the wild in Pokemon Platinum. But you can mirage it into the Pal Park from the older GBA games into the DS.
I never saw a wild Stunky in Platinum, but I have in Diamond in the grass under the bicycle road.
You can't catch Cranidos in the wild or from a special event. You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
You can't catch it wild, but you can resurrect it from an armor fossil witch you can dig up in the underground.
you can't catch a wild gallade , only by evolving a male gardivoir