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Q: In Pokemon pearl which gym is it to use hm strength?
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What gym badge do you need to use the skill strength in pokemon pearl?

The mine badge.

In Pokemon pearl how many gym badges do you need to use strength?

Yes..... All 3 Pokemon games Daimond Pearl Platinum Are the same with badges and all.

Which gym leader to battle to obtain the abilitty to use strength Pokemon shiny gold?

In Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow and Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen, the Celadon City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Erika holds this badge.In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal and Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, the Goldenrod City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Whitney holds this badge.In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, the Lavaridge Town Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Flannery holds this badge.In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the Canalave City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Byron holds this badge.In Pokemon Black/White and Pokemon Black 2/White 2, Gym Badges are not required to use HMs.

What Pokemon do you need to beat 5th gym leader Pokemon Pearl?

The Fifth Gym in Pokémon Pearl is the Ghost Gym so use Dark-type moves.

In which Pokemon gym can you use strength?

canalave city...

What gym leader do you beat so you can use strength?

in pearl, diamond, and platinum the 6th gym

What gym leader allows you to use strength in Pokemon FireRed?

The Gym Leader that allows you to use the HM move Strength in Pokemon FireRed is Erika. Erika is the Gym Leader of Celadon City and is the 4th Gym Leader the player faces.

What badge do you need for strength in Pokemon pearl?

Gym leader #6- Byron @ Canalave City. When you defeat him, you can use HM 04 Strength outside of battle and push large boulders around.

How can you push bolder aside in pearl?

You need HM strength. You can use it outside of battle after beating the Canalave gym. You teach it to a Pokemon, go up to a boulder with the strength Pokemon in your party, and press the 'A' button. Then you just walk into the boulder to push it.

Pokemon diamond what gym do you get strength?

You will be able to use HM04 Strength outside of battle after you defeat the 6th gym which is in Canalave City.

Where can you find the gym leader on pearl that can give you the ability to use strength?

In canalave city

Where is the 6 gym on Pokemon pearl?

we should use surf from jublife city