Pmd2 Darkness is the only game with rotom but if you get a code online..... midnight forest hold high level rotoms 10-18 floor of midnight forest there are alot of rotom =p good lick pmd2 DARKNESS players (riolu is on time in crystal cave) easy to recruit (high level wih recruit item
rotom isn't in Pokemon emerald
Rotom is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokemon that is #479 in the National Pokedex. It has the ability to change in multiple forms - Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom, and Mow Rotom - that all have different secondary typing in addition to Electric.
No trainer have Rotom in Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum.
You can get rotom from Pokemon diamond, pearl & platinum, or if you have an action replay, pokesav it or wild modify it.
You cant do that in Pokemon pearl or diamond but you can in platinum!! From poke-know-it-all
mission recruit or egg
The Pokemon not in Pokemon mystery dungeon time are Mewtwo, Burmy, Buneary, Lopunny, and Rotom.
Rotom can only be recruited in Midnight Forest, and it may appear on floors 10 through 20. They don't have a very high recruit rate, though. A Friend Bow may help.
you can't
you can get him in any dungeon in rank advanced or in the recruitment house
Different Pokemon are available. Time: Celebi Combee Pachirisu Riolu Lucario Darkness: Mewtwo Burmy Buneary Lopunny Rotom or midnight forest
grab loads of cash and go to the recruit house on advanced s rank.
Rotom: 0K3% 1Y&W H3M4 4P6R &RW0 +-PW Spiritomb: +FKX +43N FY+5 6892 5Y46 P52X
To get the secret key, you can go to nintedo wifi and mystery gift there
rotom isn't in Pokemon emerald