Well, friend, Rotom is actually not available in Pokemon Emerald. But don't worry, there are plenty of other amazing Pokemon waiting to be discovered in the Hoenn region. Just keep exploring and painting your own unique Pokemon journey on the canvas of your Game Boy Advance!
Rotom is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokemon that is #479 in the National Pokedex. It has the ability to change in multiple forms - Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom, and Mow Rotom - that all have different secondary typing in addition to Electric.
No trainer have Rotom in Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, or Platinum.
You can get rotom from Pokemon diamond, pearl & platinum, or if you have an action replay, pokesav it or wild modify it.
You cant do that in Pokemon pearl or diamond but you can in platinum!! From poke-know-it-all
Well, friend, Rotom is actually not available in Pokemon Emerald. But don't worry, there are plenty of other amazing Pokemon waiting to be discovered in the Hoenn region. Just keep exploring and painting your own unique Pokemon journey on the canvas of your Game Boy Advance!
Their is NO rotom in Pokemon ranger shadows of almia.
Heat Rotom: T8A6EH7Wash Rotom: H8S3A5WFrost Rotom: 6TS8ORF Fan Rotom: 9N4A4F8Mow Rotom: 7W6O3M5
Rotom is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokemon that is #479 in the National Pokedex. It has the ability to change in multiple forms - Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom, and Mow Rotom - that all have different secondary typing in addition to Electric.
Sorry, changing rotom is only in allowed in Pokemon Platinum. In diamond he has to stay boring old rotom.
Rotom cannot be found in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. Rotom must be traded or obtained via an event.
a Pokemon
Rotom cannot be evolved
In the Pokemon animated series, Professor Oak has a Rotom. Professor Oak caught his Rotom on Torom Island. Oak's Rotom is prominently featured in the Pokemon XY series.
Frost Rotom in Pokemon is a genderless Pokemon. It has an electric-like body that can enter machines and control them.
Wash Rotom is a genderless Pokemon that can levitate. He is available in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Pokemon games.
Mow Rotom is a plasma Pokemon that can enter into machines and infiltrate them. His ability is to levitate.