you must get the national dex and then go back to where you deafeted him and go and catch him but dont kill him again or you cant get him again
No it will not come back because it's a legendary Pokemon and there's only one of themActually it does come back. You have to wait a week and he will be there again to battle you.ACTUALLY, THE POKEMON DOES NOT COMEBACK UNLESS YOU RESTART YOUR GAME.
It will not come back.
it depents of witch Pokemon game you means...
It wont come back unless you saved before you battled it.
after u beat the elite four
find palkia come back
at the top of mt. coronet!!!!!!!!!!! catch Dialga, go out then come back and Palkia will be there.
Yes, because you can go back to the same place to recruit Pokemon like, Dialga, Palkia, Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie. If you catch Dialga and Palkia, you can evolve. You can recuit darkria in mystaying forest. if you have mystery part or scercet slab
no because no
Go out of Mt.Coronet and come back again later.
first you need to beat the elite four then the Pokemon champ (Cynthia)then talk to cynthias grandma in celestic town she will tell you about palkia and dialga then you also need the adment orb and the lustrious orb in mt. corenent and when you've done all that you go to the sky pillar and there will be a blue portal that is where dialga is and after you capture him leave then come back there will be a pink portal and palkia is there and you capture him.note:if you accidentally beat dialga and palkia they will appear again after you beat the game.
you have to get hit 99 then it will work.
dialga is in spear piller when you go through mt cornet. once you have captured dialga (blue thing that you see) walk back in the cave. when you come back to spear piller palkia will be there
267. regigigas sp 1. dialga sp 2. palkia dialga and palkia can be found when you cleared the main story and go to ranger net and download the extra missions
After a couple of your dreams with "cresselia" you will get an idea to go the beach to see lapras to ask him about the distortion of space or something. He will tell you about Palkia and Spacial Rift that night Palkia will come and take you to spacial rift. Good luck!
no he will come in the next pokemon game