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Q: Does Rotom come back if you make him faint on Pokemon platinum?
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Which room in the haunted house has Rotom Pokemon platinum?

if you have the special key, it is at the very back

What and were is Pokemon 152 on Pokemon platinum Sinnoh deck?

Rotom, He can be found in a flickering tv in one of the back rooms in the haunted house in the Eterna forest.

In Pokemon platinum version's can you fight back Rotom cause you fight him and kill him as a mistake?

yes you can but you haved to wait for a week

Where is rotom in Pokemon platinum?

Go into the Old Chateau at night (after 7 o' clock) andgo to the second floor and to the back section of the Chateau. In the room second from the left is a TV containing Rotom. Go up to it and press A. Rotom is at lv 20. If you defeat it, come back the next night.

How do you get the Pokemon Rotom in platinum?

Go to the Mansion right near the exit of Eterna forest go to the back room with a tv in it touch it and Rotom will come out. Becareful its only lv.15 (only comes out at night)

How do you complete the haunted house on Pokemon Platinum?

are you referring to the haunted house in eterna woods? if it is, there is a Pokemon you can catch inside but only between 8pm to 4am and you need to find the television in the back of the house. once you are there and it is the time you can catch it, then thump the television and you can catch rotom. rotom is at level 20.

Misty back in Pokemon Platinum?

No, since Misty chose to stay back in Kanto, she will not be in Pokemon Platinum.

Will a legendary Pokemon come back in Pokemon black?

If you are referring to ones from previous pokemon games,then yes!You go to the right of the city where you get the final gym badge and in a truck you can find a person that wants to trade her Rotom for a Ditto.You can find one in the cave that leads to Kyurem(a legendary).If you are asking if when you make a legendary faint it will come back,then yes.However,this only works with Victini;an event pokemon.

How do you change Rotoms form on diamond?

ha ha you're funny. Not really... The Rotom Secret Key event is a Pokemon platinum exclusive item... that means YOU CAN'T GET IT ON DIAMOND. Rotom cannot be altered in Diamond and Pearl versions. Also, trading an altered form of rotom makes it go back to it's original state in the Union Room, so people who own platinum can't give you any of the rotom forms, either. Cheating probably won't work, seeing that the key was only meant for platinum version, but you could try to prove me wrong. On a more brighter side, the member card is back up on wifi, so if you decide to get platinum in the next few days, you get a chance to catch a darkrai on Newmoon island

How do you get to the Pokémon league in Pokémon black if you faint?

You can't faint in Victory Road and get to the Pokemon league. You have to make it through without fainting

Can your Pokemon die in black and white?

Die No. Faint yes.Once your Pokemon loses all its health points it will faint. You can bring it back by using a revive or bringing it to a Pokemon center.

How can you have the Rotom forms without an event and if there is a way on which Pokemon game can you find the forms?

In diamond, pearl or platinum, you must get it at an event (which ended so you cant get) or use the action replay. In heartgold or soulsilver ds version, NOT THE EMULATOR VERSION, all you have to do is trade a rotom over from d/p/pt and go to silph co headquarters in saffron city. go to that broken elevator with rotom the FIRST Pokemon in your party(FIRST Pokemon in your party, or it wont work) and you should be took to a room with 5 appliances. Select one and rotom will want to know a specialised move. Then he will be that rotom forme. The only way to get back or change is to select the empty space or give it to daycare center.