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Q: In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl what level does aipom learn swift?
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Does aipom learn focus punch in Pokemon Pearl?

yes, it dose learn focus punch in pokemon pearl.

Where get ambipom in Pokemon pearl?

make aipom learn double hit

Can aipom learn double hit in Pokemon Emerald cause ive heard that he cant?

No, Aipom cannot learn Double Hit in Pokémon Emerald. Double Hit is an attack that was introduced in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl so Double Hit's data is not available in Pokémon Emerald so Aipom cannot learn it in Pokémon Emerald.

What all does mew learn on his own and when does he learn it in Pokemon Yellow?

go to then go to the diamond and pearl pokedex section and search mew. the moves pokemon learn in diamond and pearl are the same as yellow.

How do you evoleve aipom in Pokemon diamond?

It will evolve when it learns Double Hit, which the Pokemon will learn at level 32. So, level it up to level 32.

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Palkia and Giritina can learn dragon claw.

What moves do epoleon learn on Pokemon platinum?

The same as in diamond &pearl

What lavel aipom evolve at in Pokemon pearl?

aipom has to learn double hit to evolve into ambipom

Where can you learn rockclimb on Pokemon Sapphire?

There is no rock climb in pokemon saphire, but there is a rock climb in pokemon diamond and pearl.

What level does aipom double hit?

aipom learns double hit at level 32. If you want it to evolve make sure you let it learn double hit when it says aipom is trying to learn double hit. then level it up one more time for it to evolve into ambipom. aipom basiclly evolves at level 33 just make sure it knows double hit

What level does aipom evolve in Pokemon platnium?

well,in diamond at level 38it will learn double hit and take the move and it will evolve'if you dont it wont

At what level does ghastly learn mean look in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Level 8