First you have to push down A, B at the same time while you stand in front of the building then a noctowl will fly you over.
i think you get it in the safari zone
The Safari Zone is not open in Gold, Silver or Crystal version because the Warden had left Fuchsia City you cannot ever go inside the Safari Zone.
there isn't a safari zone in Pokemon black and white
There are a few rare Pokemon you can get in the safari zone they are pinsir, wobuffet and girafarig.
there is not a safari zone but there is a place like it in Pastoria City
The Safari Zone is unavailable in Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal.
safari zone or kanto
i think you get it in the safari zone
The Safari Zone is not open in Gold, Silver or Crystal version because the Warden had left Fuchsia City you cannot ever go inside the Safari Zone.
there isn't a safari zone in Pokemon black and white
The Safari Zone is in Fushia City.
There is no Safari Zone Extension in FireRed. Only in Pokemon Emerald.
The Safari Zone is located in Fuschia City.
Go to Fuschia city and there is a Safari zone.
ruby, common in safari zone sapphire, common in safari zone emerald, common in safari zone
There are a few rare Pokemon you can get in the safari zone they are pinsir, wobuffet and girafarig.
there is no cave in the safari zone.