There are a few rare Pokemon you can get in the safari zone they are pinsir, wobuffet and girafarig.
Safari Zone
Solarbeam is in the Safari Zone.
In the Safari Zone
Xatu can be caught in the Safari Zone.
Right-most side of the Safari Zone on Route 121. They're quite rare (and tricky) to catch.
Yes! It is found at the Safari Zone. Though it is slightly rare!
Find pokemon!
??? dont know just run around I also heard that u can get magby on ruby in the safari zone somewhere....=[
safari zone
Safari Zone
ruby, common in safari zone sapphire, common in safari zone emerald, common in safari zone
OddishGirafarigDuduoNatuWobbuffetPikachuGloomPsyduckSeakingGoldeenGolduckXatuHeracrossPhanpyGeodudeMareepSunkernSpinarakAipomHoothootGligarSnubbulStantlerMarillWooperQuagsireMagikarpRemoraidOctilleryTeddiursaLedybaPinecoHoundourMiltankShuckleThat's all of them :)
To get safari balls in Pokemon ruby you have to go to the safari zone and go up to the man and he will give you 30 safari balls
safari zone.
No, no it's not.
Solarbeam is in the Safari Zone.