In the Mage Tower, a Desire Demon has entranced a Templar. Should you choose to fight her, you will have to kill the Templar also, and he has the Templar Armor.
Dragon Age Origins is for PS3, Xbox-360, And PC.
The answer is yes. Dragon Age Origins is downloadable to PC through this site: As well as a few others most likely : )
A little. In Dragon Age: Origins, one female demon briefly shows her breasts. There is no nudity after that, though.Source:
Yes, you can.
You need to kill Drakes or Dragons. Wade in Denerim can make armour out of them.
You can not get a real dragon on your team. You can however, kill the dragons, get dragon scales, and visit Master Wade in Denerim and he will make you dragon armor.
You some how you have to download it from but i think this is PC only.
You can either buy a Manual that unlocks it, from Bodahn in the party camp, or with high enough approval rating, you can get Alistair to teach it to you.
it won't dragon aren't real and what is dragon age origins
Dragon Age Origins is for PS3, Xbox-360, And PC.
You can get it when ever you want i don't think it expires but i think its for PC only, but you gotta have to find that out for yourself.
The answer is yes. Dragon Age Origins is downloadable to PC through this site: As well as a few others most likely : )
They are - Champion, Templar, Berserker, Reaver.
Yes, because Awakenings is an expansion to Origins
This are the best armors in the game : Cailan's armor (return to ostagar dlc) blood dragon armor (collector edition) grey warden armor (warden's keep) Dragon scale armor
Dragon age orgins dude.