No the happiness only lowers if you give the Pokemon herbal medicine (Revival Herb, Energy Root, Heal Powder, and Energypowder) or if the Pokemon faints in battle.
A Pokemon loses happiness when it faints, when it's fed bitter medicine, or when it's left in the PC for a really long time.
You first put 5 of your party Pokemon in your PC Box. Then you have to switch your remaining party Pokemon with another Pokemon from one of your PC Boxes. You have to have at least one Pokemon with you at one time.
Do the same thing you did with someone's pc! Just put move pokemon or deposit your pokemon! :) Hoped this helped!!
in cerulean city in a house next to the PC get pikachu to full happiness and then talk to her
Selected Pokemon Has Max Happiness: 1206F04A 000020FF 1206F04E 00007338 Instructions: 1) Go to a PC 2) Select either "Deposit Pokemon" or "Move Pokemon" based on where the Pokemon you want max happiness is on. 3) Select the Pokemon 4) Pick "Marking" 5) And last, choose "Confirm" and the code should activate on the Pokemon.
put the Pokemon in the PC. Click the Pokemon and select release. put the Pokemon in the PC. Click the Pokemon and select release.
A Pokemon loses happiness when it faints, when it's fed bitter medicine, or when it's left in the PC for a really long time.
You go to the poke mon center and turn the PC on and put in someones PC and then click deposit Pokemon and you put your Pokemon in there.
put your Pokemon in the PC box at a pokecenter
You first put 5 of your party Pokemon in your PC Box. Then you have to switch your remaining party Pokemon with another Pokemon from one of your PC Boxes. You have to have at least one Pokemon with you at one time.
Put the Pokemon into the PC at the Pokemon center, then select it once in the PC, and choose release from the options.
Do the same thing you did with someone's pc! Just put move pokemon or deposit your pokemon! :) Hoped this helped!!
in cerulean city in a house next to the PC get pikachu to full happiness and then talk to her
You have to go to the Pokemon center, then go into the computer and then go into someones PC then go on deposit Pokemon. This will let you put Pokemon from your team into the PC. Then click on withdraw this will let you take Pokemon from your PC and put them into your team.
You go to a PC and switch your pokemon.
put a Pokemon from your PC then put one Pokemon in the pokewalker if you have at least 10 watts you can catch
When you put a Pokemon in your PC, their is an option call releasing your Pokemon.