If you already have six Pokemon with you then it will automatically go onto your PC. Otherwise you turn it on by standing in front of it and pressing A. Go into someone's or bebe's PC then deposit your Pokemon by pressing A.
You first put 5 of your party Pokemon in your PC Box. Then you have to switch your remaining party Pokemon with another Pokemon from one of your PC Boxes. You have to have at least one Pokemon with you at one time.
this is the answer below: 1.Go to the Pokemon center 2.Go to the PC on the nurse's desk 3. Select Someones PC 4. Select deposit Pokemon to get Pokemon out of a PC box, Select withdraw Pokemon insted of deposit Pokemon.
They are in your PC box.
If you don't want a Pokemon in your party, you can put it in a PC box in any given Pokemon Center. If you just don't want the Pokemon, then 1. Place it in a box 2. Select it 3. Under its options hit release and the Pokemon will be released
Do the same thing you did with someone's pc! Just put move pokemon or deposit your pokemon! :) Hoped this helped!!
You first put 5 of your party Pokemon in your PC Box. Then you have to switch your remaining party Pokemon with another Pokemon from one of your PC Boxes. You have to have at least one Pokemon with you at one time.
put your Pokemon in the PC box at a pokecenter
You put it in the PC box and select release.
when you put it in a PC box, select "move Pokemon", and you can click it and select "release" to get rid of it.
If you have Pokemon FireRed, you can get it, catch 6 more Pokemon, put them in the PC Box, and then trade them through.
Yes as long as it is in your PC box you can choose one of any Pokemon you have to put in the pokewalker.
Put them in a box in you Pokemon center PC. Click on them and go down to the option release.
What you do is go to a PC Log in to Bill's PC Put a random Pokemon in BOX 1 Put the Pokemon you want to clone in BOX 2 When it says don't turn off, its saving, Turn it off, or for computer, X out the game Turn it back on, and you should have clones!
u give the item to one of ur Pokemon and then put them in the PC box
put the Pokemon in the PC. Click the Pokemon and select release. put the Pokemon in the PC. Click the Pokemon and select release.
Where you can store pokemon