

Best Answer

If you don't want a Pokemon in your party, you can put it in a PC box in any given Pokemon Center. If you just don't want the Pokemon, then

1. Place it in a box

2. Select it

3. Under its options hit release

and the Pokemon will be released

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Q: How do you delete Pokémon on Pokémon platinum?
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How can you delete Pokemon platinum?

you cant

How do you delete mystery gift off of platinum?

you cant its not possible trust me i have looked everywhere to delete it it ain't happenin'

How do you delete pokemon platinum version?

you do new game then save over the other game

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Can you get a legendary Pokmon in Pokmon arcoiris?

Sadly, no. The creators of the game forgot to add in the Pokedex, so trading is impossible without GameShark. :(

How do you delete all of your data in Pokemon platinum?

What you do is hold all three button combinations for at least 3 seconds and confirm delete.

Does Pokemon Platinum delete save games on Ruby Sapphire Emerald like Diamond and Pearl sometimes does?

i have had no experiences with it and i do it a lot on platinum

How do you delete a profile on Pokemon platinum?

Up+SELECT+B all together

How do you delete a bad egg in platinum?

I'm not completely shure, but i don't think you can.

How do you delete HM moves in Pokemon Platinum?

the move deleter in canalave city :) =)

How do you get Arceus in pokmon?

use action replay