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A Pokemon loses happiness when it faints, when it's fed bitter medicine, or when it's left in the PC for a really long time.

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Q: How does a Pokemon lose happiness?
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Related questions

How do you know the Pokemon happiness?

Some Pokemon games have a specific person you can talk to that will tell your Pokemon's happiness, some Pokemon games show there happiness after giving them an item the closer they get the happier they are.

What is a happiness level in Pokemon pearl?

It shows how much the Pokemon is happy with you. In some Pokemon you can evolve it if it has high happiness.

How do you raise your pokemons happiness?

with raising the Pokemon with that Pokemon for many time You can raise your Pokemon happiness by defeating many trainers with Pokemon do you want to raise.

How do you max out a pokemons happiness?

Maxing out the happiness of a pokemon is somewhat time consuming. Walking around with the pokemon in the lead position will help slowly increase the happiness. You can also feed the pokemon poffins to help raise stats and happiness.

Does Pokemon fainting in the battle frontier affect happiness?

no it doesnt, Pokemon happiness does not go down if it faints anywhere.

Where is the happiness meter in Pokemon Pearl?

If you have the happiness App. for your pokewatch thing... you can see how much your Pokemon loves you (how happy they are).

How do you evolve a Pokemon with happines?

Happiness is gained by taking care of your pokemon giving it items, training it and many more things. Once it's happiness reaches the max happiness have it level up to evolve the pokemon.

How do you evolve Togepi in pokemon diamon?

It evolves by Level Up + Happiness at 220. You can't tell what your Pokemon happiness is though.

How do you know if your Pokemon is happy?

You can check a Pokemon's happiness at a game's happiness checker. Where the person is located depends on the game you are playing.

How do you make Pokemon freindly in soul silver?

Train them by battling but make sure they don't get to faint, everytime you need to revive your Pokemon they're happiness points go down. ofc Pokemon's happiness comes back but it always slows the process of getting maximum happiness to your Pokemon. Just by walking around with your Pokemon gives them happiness. Other things is to give your Pokemon a SootheBell to hold, it gains extra happiness in every battle you've won. You can also get them a haircut in GoldenRod Underground to get some more happiness. This makes Pokemon really friendly.

Do massages help Pokemon trust you?

Yes, it increases a Pokemon's happiness. It's recommended to use massages if you're trying to evolve a Pokemon that evolves by happiness.

When does a Togepi evolve in Pokemon leafgrean?

It doesn't, sorry. You have to trade it from Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Ruby, or Pokemon Sapphire. Togepi evolves via happiness and happiness didn't exist in LeafGreen.