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It only lasts for 3 years so all still work

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Q: If you buy a used xbxo 360 is the warranty valid?
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How can you get mini hideout mod on Fallout 3 onto your xbxo 360?

You can't Nob head! Get a computer or a PlayStation 3. You know, a device that you can be proud of.

Are wired Xbox controllers USB?

Of course they are! Xbxo 360 controllers only have usb ports. So the wired controllers are definitely connect to a usb.

Warranty on Xbox 360?


What does XMB mean on a PS3 console?

The PS3™ system includes a user interface called XMB™ (XrossMediaBar).XMB CLEARY STANDS FOR XscrossMediaBar.PS3 IS BETTER THAN XBXO 360!PS3 FTW!

How long does warranty last on an Xbox 360 from Canadian future shop?

its about a 5 year warranty

Do you think it's safe to buy a used Xbox Console?

Older Xbox 360 consoles are notoriously unreliable and may have crashing issues and corruption on the built-in hard drive. In addition, the warranty coverage for the "red ring of death" problem is only valid if the console was properly registered and any subsequent owners update this information with Microsoft. As such, buying a used Xbox 360 is a very risky proposition.

Do you get a warranty with the Xbox 360 slim?

yes u do

If you paint your xbox 360 will it invalidate the warranty?

Most definitely

How much more do you have to pay for warranty when buying an Xbox 360?

None. The now-standard 3 year warranty is included with each new Xbox 360 purchase. They track the console by its unique serial and that determines the length of time left on your warranty. If you are out of warranty, you can purchase a warranty extension on that console from Microsoft. 1-800-4MY-XBOX

How do you get Xbox 360 insurance if you buy the Xbox 360 on the internet?

you don't need the insurance it comes with a 3 year warranty.

Does the xbox 360 kennect work well with 4gb?

"Kinect" does work well with the 4gb xbxo 360 slim, there is a bundle out right now for 300 that comes with 4gb slim xbox360 and kinect and a game for kinect. I would probably still go for the 250gb console if you are wanting th whole xbox gaming and xbox live experience. Hope this helped!

How much is it to send in a xbox 360 to Microsoft?

If it is still under warranty, nothing bar packaging materials. If it is out of warranty, you foot the whole bill :(