It lasts for 3 years, or until you break some seal on the chassis.
yes u do
you don't need the insurance it comes with a 3 year warranty.
The batteries in an Xbox 360 controller are rechargeable. When full charged, they will last several days. The batteries themselves are meant to last the life of the controller.
No it is only on Playstation 3 and not on XBOX 360. last of us is a game.
You can leave your Xbox 360 on as long as you want. But doing this make your Xbox overheat.
its about a 5 year warranty
yes u do
The first Xbox 360 model lasts for about 1-2 years. The Xbox 360 Elite and Xbox 360 Slim last 3-5 years. Whereas the NES lasts about 20 years before breaking. Thats interesting...
you don't need the insurance it comes with a 3 year warranty.
Most definitely
The batteries in an Xbox 360 controller are rechargeable. When full charged, they will last several days. The batteries themselves are meant to last the life of the controller.
None. The now-standard 3 year warranty is included with each new Xbox 360 purchase. They track the console by its unique serial and that determines the length of time left on your warranty. If you are out of warranty, you can purchase a warranty extension on that console from Microsoft. 1-800-4MY-XBOX
No it is only on Playstation 3 and not on XBOX 360. last of us is a game.
It depends on how long you bought it for you can pay monthy or yearly.
You can leave your Xbox 360 on as long as you want. But doing this make your Xbox overheat.
Use the towel trick. Search it on youtube but only do this if your xbox 360 is out of warranty. If it isin't out of warranty, then send it to Microsoft.