I think the question is "Do you use an original Xbox or Xbox 360 controller when playing original Xbox games on an Xbox 360?" If it is than, you use an Xbox 360 controller. Left Bumper turns into "white button" Right Bumper turns into "black button"
xbox 360.The Xbox 360 is the best as it can run games for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.
Nothing much. Instead of the black and white buttons on the Xbox controller the Xbox 360 controller has RB (right bumper) and LB (left bumper). And the Xbox 360 controller is way more comfortable
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
The select button is on the left side of the middle Xbox button.
As long as you have an internet connection, you can get xbox live on a 360 or a slim.
xbox 360 by a long shoot
For the PC and Xbox 360
New games do work on an Xbox 360. This is, of course, as long as they are specifically Xbox 360 games.
The button on top of the left trigger
"_" fook you
Nope, it's only available for Windows and Xbox 360.
any original xbox game will work on the 360 as long as you have a hard drive
I think the question is "Do you use an original Xbox or Xbox 360 controller when playing original Xbox games on an Xbox 360?" If it is than, you use an Xbox 360 controller. Left Bumper turns into "white button" Right Bumper turns into "black button"
On Xbox Live, yes.
Yes, pre-owned games will work on your Xbox 360. This is true as long as they are specifically Xbox 360 games.