put the action replay in the back of your ds then put diamond in the action replay. next tap the * button on your bottom screen. make sure you have the cheats selected that you want to use and then press start. be sure to press the right specified buttons to use the cheat.
no i had to change mine back to a wep
yes, you will. Belive me i tried it!
10. Always 10. Even when he's 11 he's still 10.
No matter what Pokemon it is and if it is shiny it will stay shiny if you trade it or migrate it, trust me i know i traded my shiny banette to Pokemon xd and its still shiny.
there is no such thing on pokemon platinum solecon town is no such thing so if you are still wondering if it does exist you think wrong including pokemon games pearl,diamond and titanium does not exist
i think there is still no cheats because the game is still new
Well dude, you need to use either cheats or go to an Nintendo event.
No, you will need to trade it as soon as its on pokémon diamond
i think a dude gives to you when it is still a little egg.
You can get Giratina, Dialga, Uxie, Azelf, Mespirit, Heatran, Cresselia, and Regigigass. through Pokemon ranger you can get Manphy. through past events you can get Darkrai, Arceus, and Shaymin. You can get a shiny pichu through an event, he may not be legendary but its still worth noting.
No, it does not, because I copied my Pokemon from my Pearl version and my Pokemon were still there when I played it.
no i had to change mine back to a wep
Yes.but the stats wont go up if you do.
Sorry, but you won't. The DS has to recognize the game and then put the information into Diamond/Pearl
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